Monday, March 17, 2014

Attention seeker

A certain young man has captivated my attention today. He knows exactly how to keep me busy. It seems I spend my day runnign around him more than ever, especially now that he has learned to walk.

I marvel at the fact that in the space of a few hours my home is turned upside down by a young man who can barely keep himself straight when walking and resembles more a drunken man leaving a party in the wee hours of the morning.

His sister did fairly well too. Thank goodness it was nice outside and thank goodness my kids had a day off from school today too, they kept busy and played well together :)

Bah, I cant complain really. They are good kids and I enjoy having them over... even though I do spend my last hour looking at the clock, wishing for their father to hurry his work day and come pick up his little treasures.

Well, my house is once again clean and it is almost bed time for me. I am tired. I hope I sleep well tonight. I am looking forward to dreaming tonight :) hugs!

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