Sunday, April 13, 2014


Patience is not a virtue of mine. Baking is... but is baking a virtue? I dont know, I'll have to google it later but I am sure it is though :)

Well, today being Sunday, I decided it would be a great oportunity for me to try out my new... uhm... what us elegant folk call "vintage" baking dish I got at the garage sale yesterday, haha!

I followed the recipe perfectly and even took the time to grease and flour my baking pan. Doesn't it look just divine? :)

Like I said, once all ready for baking, I set it in the oven and waited the whole 80 mins required by the recipe. And I waited... and waited... and waited....

and waited...

and waited...

Doesnt it look amazing?! This is what happens to those who patiently wait like me! We are rewarded with the most beautiful things ever!!!

All I have to do now is wait  until it cools and then flip it over. That would be like... 30 mins? something like that right?

Bah... i dont have time for that nonesense...
So I flipped my cake over...

The lid fell off... and my body entered a state of shock...
I should have waited... maybe its still salvageable though...
I can wait for the cooling time... and carefully put the lid back on... and well... no one will notice. Right?
Except that would require patience...
And well... who has time?
So I stubbornly flip my super steaming hot cake and...

Well, I got mush.... Mother of Pearl!!!!!!!! Stupid cake!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaarg!!!!
What else can go wrong?
Nottin right?

Except that I am dying to have a taste... After all this was supposed to be my master artwork... and the kids are all expecting it to be ready in the morning... they will be disapointedd...  a little...

So what the heck...

I scoop up a little chunk of steaming hot cake... and pop it in my super ultra sensitive mouth... and well...

Now I sound like Elmer Fudd. Crap! I never do learn!

Well... what else did I do today? I made a healthy smoothie for the kids today... and no one complained :)


  1. I'm guessing it's a pound cake, right? Pound cakes have a steep learning curve. I have ruined many . . . and just like yours often they break apart coming out of the pan. Lots of extra cooling and a very, very gentle release process. But, the good news is that the best part of pound cake is the gooey warm part, so I'm sure it was still delicious!!
