Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dinner Time

I have spent most of my day cleaning today. I did have a doctor's appointment this morning but I was still able to get back home in time for the cleaning fest to continue.

Ahhh... that reminds me... I need to spot clean the carpet somewhere here in the living room... i'll have to add that to my little little checklist.

I'm also in the middle of preparing a home cooked meal that I am hoping will knock my kids' socks off this evening.

I call it... Well... I don't know what to call it yet.
I heated up a little bit of oil in my old trusty cast iron. I really don't know what I did before I got this puppy. I love it! It's perfect for cooking in my family.

I seriously have no idea what exactly I was planing for dinner but husband kindly left out a big roast beef out for me in the morning to thaw out.

So, I made sure the oil was really hot and I place a well seasoned piece of meat in it... Hoping to sear it perfectly on both sides. Once it was seared on both sides, I added some onions i had already prepared. ( I do think... I rushed this step... I should have seared it longer... sigh).

I cooked it a few minutes just so I can get the onions all tender. While I waited for this to happen, I was rushing to get my potatoes all cut up that Isabel had left for me on the dish rack drying from being washed and scrubbed. I also was able to season them. I think they look pretty. I hope they take on a delicious flavor as they cook.

I carefully added all the potatoes to the hot cast iron pot and made sure they were all tucked in around the roast beef.

Then for the final touch... I decided to add a cup of chicken broth... to help make sure the meat stayed all juicy and tasty and didnt over dry in that hot pot.

Finally, I just ended up covering it and i threw the whole lot in the oven I had already pre-heated at 325F (convection) and as I am writing this post... The aroma escaping from my kitchen is amazing.

I will be checking on it in a few but until then, all that is left for me to worry about is making a nice yummy salad for dinner and maybe... maybe... what else could i add... Idk, hopefully this is enough to feed my army tonight :)

We dont want them to go hungry now do we? :S That would be... bad...

Well, I hope this does taste good...

Hahaha! Isabel just walked into the pantry and exclaimed "Oh it's so clean in here!". Lolol I did clean and organize the pantry last night.... Hey... did you know it was a walk in pantry? Yup... I was shocked my self actually. Its been a while since we didnt have to fend for our lived every time the door to it was opened... I might have even lost a child in there at one point or another... Like the Bermuda Triangle... Jeez...

Turns out everyone loved dinner tonight. I got the "do again" from my kids. We ended up just making heating up some string beans and ate that for dinner. As for me, I liked it as well :) Now... what am I going to cook tomorrow? ...